Mon 27 Jan
Passion consultant available to you~ discreet and sweet! Outcall and Incall - 42
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me)
I may be a business woman for my career but I am NEVER business-like when I play! ~~~ - 42
(Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me!)
Business woman for work-Passion consultant for play~ Discreet and Drama free ~ - 42
(Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me!)
!!!Here - Let me make it easier for you to find what YOU are looking for! CLICK ON THIS AD!!!
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me)
Sun 12 Jan
Only one call away, if your ready to play - 33
(Space Coast, cocoa, cape canaveral, cocoa beach, and)
Looking for a little passion & excitement? I guarantee that I can help you find them!! YOUR MARIE! - 45
(Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me!)
Fri 10 Jan
A business woman for career - a playmate for my hobby~ Come join me!
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me)
Thu 09 Jan
Looking for a little passion & excitement? I guarantee that I can help you find them!! YOUR MARIE! - 45
(Orlando, Space Coast, Where you need me!)
Wed 08 Jan