Mon 27 Jan
Plea$e Try 2NITE$ $peCiaL MY {No Calorie NoN-Fat} **MAGICALLY D€LICI0U$** HoTT MoCha CoCoa D€liGhT - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Rockledge and Merritt Island)
Sun 12 Jan
CaLLing ALL CHOCOLATE LoVerS My Mocha CoCoa DeligHT SatiSFieS Morning, Noon&Night; 12am-10am $pecial$ - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Rockledge and Merritt Island)
Young hot can you host? dressed to impress - 25
(Space Coast, Titusville Cape Canaveral Cocoa Beach)
Thu 09 Jan
TRy 2DaYs TA$t€€ TR€aT** $uCcuLeNT *H0TT MocHA C0CoA BRoWNiE 1/2 ®££ DriveTime $pecial 5pm-til? - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Rockledge and Merritt Island)
Wed 08 Jan
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕 - 22
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast, everywhere)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
CaLLing ALL CHOCOLATE LoVerS My Mocha CoCoa DeligHT SatiSFieS Morning, Noon &Night; √√2013 $pecial$√ - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Rockledge and Merritt Island)
Fri 03 Jan
CoM€ InSiD€ ! 813~317~9104 from the RaIn!** My CaTs AwAy CoME on MiCe PLAY! MoCha ~N~CoCoa D€liGhT - 35
(Space Coast, Cocoa Rockledge and Merritt Island)
Thu 02 Jan